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Different Types of Bubble Tubes

24 Oct


Bubble Tubes

Bubble tubes are the perfect accessory to any sensory environment whether it is in a multisensory room or calming room. They encourage interaction in an innovative way with a unique combination of moving bubbles, eye catching colours and soft vibrations.

Individuals with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) will benefit most from this piece of equipment and its relaxing effects, which have also been proved to help with visual development as well as have a positive influence on their other communication skills.

The tubes make use of the very latest LED technology, which not only keeps them bright, but also guarantees that their bulbs will rarely ever to be changed.

Although they all serve a similar purpose, bubble tubes are available in a selection of variations. Here are some of the different tubes available;

  • Calming LED Bubble Tube

    A Calming tube gently scrolls through hundreds of shades of colour to promote a stress free atmosphere. It features a unique colour stop mode which enables the user to stop the tube on a certain colour.

  • Interactive LED Bubble Tube

    This tube is ideal for demonstrating cause and effect as well as for developing colour recognition skills. It features a control box with five switches, each of which is a different colour which the user can press to scroll through the colours or switch the bubbles on and off.

  • The IRiS LED Bubble Tube

    The IRiS tube is distinctive for its perfect mix of style and functionality. It’s easy to use design combines eight intense colours with a unit that has the unique ability to be controlled with an IRiS Talker for added user-friendliness.

  • Bubble Tube Softie

    Bubble Tube Softie

    The Softie tube allows the user to sit comfortably close to the tube and feel its vibrations by combining the use of a bean bag and with the latest LED technology.

  • Touch Sensitive LED Bubble Tube

    The Touch Sensitive tube makes use of four main colours which change when the user softly touches the tube. It is especially ideal for those with poor motor skills as it teaches hand eye coordination via the innovative use of colour.

  • Portable Bubble Tube

    Portable tubes are easy to move around and can be placed in the corner of any room. When in use the tube reflects in the attached mirrors for an eye catching and colourful effect.

Experia offer some of the finest sensory room equipment in the UK including bubble tubes. They have a wide selection of tubes available and can also manufacture and install all your sensory equipment. Visit the Experia website today for more information on their range of products.

Learning Through Senses with Interactive Multisensory Rooms

21 Feb

Interactive Multisensory RoomsInteractive multisensory rooms are widely used to help improve various skills of both adults and children who suffer from disabilities. By incorporating various sense-provoking equipment into the rooms design it encourages the individuals to feel, touch and look around.

By interacting with the environment around them, the various parts of their brain begin to work together and encourage learning through senses. This is one of the reasons why sensory room are becoming increasingly popular for children as it can help them improve various life skills such as their coordination and interaction abilities.

In addition, children learning through senses experience other positive results such as confidence and self esteem which are extremely important when it comes to helping them to develop their senses. It is the duty of a special needs child parents to help and support their children and make sure that they have access to interactive sensory equipment that they can learn and benefit from.

Interactive sensory rooms can also help children with physical difficulties with a wide range of equipment available to offer them full body support. Furthermore, the bright colours used in the multisensory rooms strengthen their visual abilities while vibrations and sounds enhance their touch and hearing. Scented and textured toys are used for heightening their senses too.

Relaxation music is another feature used in these rooms as it helps promote a calm and relaxed atmosphere for the users to concentrate in. Some of the interactive sensory equipment found in sensory rooms includes everything from fibre optic hand carpets and balance beams to bubble tubes and LED light panels. All these products were developed for this specific use and are safe for children to use.

Experia understand the importance of this type of equipment and are experts when it comes to developing effective interactive multisensory rooms. They have a wide range of products available, all of which are designed to contribute towards helping people with disabilities and have been successfully used by a number of schools as teaching aids and learning enhancements.